Imagine not having to manage your social media anymore. Your followers are increasing, you have a higher level of brand awareness and ultimately, your sales enquiries are growing and yet it’s not your finger that is hitting ‘post’ every day. The PromoDonna’s team of social media specialists will create an effective online presence for your business.

An effective online presence generates new leads while building engagement with current customers through a tailored and personalized approach.

The PromoDonna understands each business has individual goals and that no marketing strategy is a one size fits all, we take this into account as we work with you in a face-to-face workshop to present our research into your industry market and tailor a social media content plan to suit your needs and business goals.

Working with a variety of social media platforms, we assess your target audience and present recommendations of suitable channels to ensure effective engagement with your business’s target audience.

Conduct market research; including assessing your current strategies in place and suitable platforms to reach your business’s target audience

  • Create social media profiles and/or amend current profiles
  • Develop a social marketing strategy consistent with company focuses, campaigns and promotions
  • Develop quality images, valuable copy and effective hashtags
  • Generate conversation and respond to your customers/followers
  • Increase followers and ‘likes’, and generate new customer leads
  • Implement social media plugins/icons on your website which will link to your profiles


Sending newsletters to your target audience builds brand exposure and regenerates interest from past customers while keeping current customers engaged and in-the-know.

We conduct market research on your target audience and produce newsletters based on a frequency which works best with your company goals and requirements. We are able to provide consistent newsletters, as well as one-off promotions of new campaigns or products. Our face-to-face workshop allows us to assess your needs and plan an email marketing strategy based on our research into your industry.

We provide content and manage your Newsletter:

  • Content writing including articles and interviews relating to your industry
  • Quality images and graphics
  • Create and install a newsletter sign-up on your website
  • Manage your subscribers

We suggest combining your email management with our cold calling package to ensure you’re ‘following-up’ with your subscribers ensuring you’re maximizing your lead generation opportunities.

To find out how The PromoDonna can assist your business with social media and direct-mail management, contact us today.